This page describes all you need to know about managing users in your Shiftkeeper workspace.

Inviting users to Shiftkeeper

Users are automatically added to Shiftkeeper when they first interact with it through Slack or the web interface.

While manual invitations aren’t necessary, you can still do so, for example, if you want to invite a user to Shiftkeeper on the owner role right away.

To invite a user:

  1. Go to Settings > Users and click on Invite user.
  2. Search the user by their name in Slack.
  3. Select the role and the seat you want to assign to the user.
  4. Click on Invite.


There are currently two user roles in Shiftkeeper: owner and standard.

Users with the owner role can:

  • view and change billing information
  • manage user roles and seats
  • perform all standard role actions

Users with the standard role can access all other Shiftkeeper features.

The user that first installs Shiftkeeper in your Slack workspace is automatically granted the owner role.


Seats are mainly relevant for billing. There are two types of seats in Shiftkeeper: member and viewer.


Users with member seats are users who are actively using Shiftkeeper. They can use all Shiftkeeper features.


Users with viewer seats can use Shiftkeeper, but not be part of any schedules or teams. As a viewer, you can:

  • view schedules, shift calendars, coverage requests, etc…
  • create teams, schedules, overrides, etc…

Users with this seat can only be assigned the standard role.

Users with the viewer seat do not incur any billing costs.
Users are automatically assigned a member seat when they are added to a schedule or team.

Changing a user’s role and seat

  1. Go to Settings > Users.
  2. Select a user from the list and click on the Edit button.
  3. Select the role and the seat you want to assign to the user.
  4. Save the changes.
Only owners can change user seats and roles.